History of the Company

  • 1976

    Beginning of window production

  • 1998

    Purchase of an industrial plant at an existing location

  • 2003

    Relocation of window production to the existing location in Blanca

  • 2010

    The first expansion (administrative building, maintenance and storage of repro material and renovation of the exterior)

  • 2016

    Expansion of the warehouse of finished products

  • 2021

    Širitev proizvodno skladiščnih prostorov (+3.500 m2)

  • 2024

    Expansion of production and storage facilities (+5,000 m2)





Kladje nad Blanco 35
SI – 8283 Blanca, Slovenia


+386 7 8164 600


VAT ID: SI55930948

Registration number: 3570398000


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