This privacy policy regulates the collection, storage and processing of personal data by Acryform d.o.o. collected from you when you visit the website, subscribe to pay for content such as e-newsletters, invitations to events or similar.


Data controller


Data controller, as defined by the EU General Data Protection Regulation

and the applicable law governing the protection of personal data is:

The company ACRYFORM d.o.o.



Kladje nad Blanco 35

8283 Blanca

VAT identification number: SI55930948

registration number: 3570398000


Personal data and purpose of their processing


In case you wish to receive content from ACRYFORM d.o.o., you can subscribe to (and later unsubscribe):

  • occasional e-news
  • regular e-news
  • invitations to events
  • notices about special promotions and opportunities
  • publications

By completing these forms, purchase form, application, registration or confirmation you allow ACRYFORM to access the following contact data:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone number

The contact data that you provide to us when filling out or submitting these forms, order forms, applications or registration, is needed to process your order and to communicate with you regarding specific e-news, events, announcements about special offers or publications. ACRYFORM d.o.o. respects your privacy and is committed to collecting, storing and processing personal data with great care and applicable regulations on the protection of personal data. Because there are links to other, external websites with no direct connection to ACRYFORM d.o.o., in the online information system of ACRYFORM d.o.o., we do not assume any responsibility for data protection on these websites. In order to prevent unauthorized access to the obtained data or its disclosure, to maintain the accuracy of personal data and to ensure their appropriate use, we use appropriate technical and organizational procedures to secure the data we collect. ACRYFORM d.o.o. cannot completely rule out the possible leakage or misuse of data, since online technologies are open to the public and can therefore be a victim of computer hacking and are as such unpredictable.


WARNING: EU’s GDPR does not prescribe special technical measures to protect the identity of the website provider or controller, as well as does not prescribe the identification of the website visitor. Therefore, the requirements for the protection of personal data until the amendment of the regulation on the protection and the obligation to show the identity of the controller are left to the individual to decide for themselves whether to believe the disclosed unprotected identity of the controller that he is supposed to manage or not. The data controller also does not guarantee that he can be sure that he has obtained consent from the individual who is supposed to agree to the terms of the notification since the individual is not identified to the manager in a unique and verifiable way in the confirmation process.


List of websites controlled by the data controller


ACRYFORM d.o.o. controls the following websites:


Website Description

ompany information website.




Personal data provided to us when you subscribe to e-news, events, notices about special promotions and opportunities or publications and other products from ACRYFORM d.o.o. are processed with your clear and unequivocal consent based on Article 6 (1), (a) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). To improve the quality of our products and services and for statistical purposes, we also process data on the display of received messages and clicks on links in received messages, in connection with the electronic messages sent to you by ACRYFORM.


You give your consent to the processing of personal data by entering the ACRYFORM d.o.o. website. In these forms, order forms, applications or registrations, you enter your personal data and agree to any individual processing. When entering personal data, ACRYFORM d.o.o. does not condition consent to process where the purpose exceeds the basic purpose of the processing for which you came to the website.


Data controller ACRYFORM d.o.o. uses the service of sending a verifiable e-mail or registered regular mail to inform about changes to the terms of business and changes to the privacy policy. Therefore, you will be informed about the changes in a way that provides proof of being timely informed regarding changes to the terms of business or the privacy policy of the controller. All changes will also be published on ACRYFORM’s website. We store and protect personal data for the purposes defined by applicable law and where consent is not required because the legal basis is the existing legislation (e.g. keeping invoices, concluded contracts, etc.) in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


Your rights


In accordance with the provisions of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right to access your personal data, the right to rectification, the right to deletion, the right to transfer, the right to request the restriction of the processing of personal data and the right to a contract. If you believe that your rights on the websites of ACRYFORM d.o.o. are violated in any way, you can contact: Information Commissioner of the Republic of Slovenia (59 Zaloška, 1000 Ljubljana, telephone number: 01 230 97 30, fax: 01 230 97 78, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


Personal data retention time


Your personal data is kept for as long as it is necessary for the purpose of receiving news content, invitations to events and publications. The retention period for personal data may vary depending on the applicable sectoral legislation (e.g. tax, accounting legislation). In the event that the applicable sectoral legislation specifies mandatory deadlines for the storage of personal data, ACRYFORM d.o.o. deletes personal data after the expiration of the mandatory period prescribed by law.


What are cookies?


A cookie is a file that stores website settings. Websites store cookies on users' devices with which they access the Internet in order to recognize individual devices and the settings that users use when accessing the website. Cookies allow websites to recognize if the user has already visited this website, and in the case of advanced applications, individual settings can be adjusted accordingly. Their storage is under the full control of the browser used by the user. Users can limit or disable the storage of cookies as desired.


Why are cookies needed?


Cookies are of great importance when it comes to securing user-friendly web services. The most common functions of e-business would not be possible without cookies. Cookies make the interaction between the web user and the website quicker and simpler. With their help, websites can remember individual preferences and make web surfing much more efficient and pleasant. There are multiple reasons for using cookies. They are used to store data about the condition of a certain website (details of individual website customizations), they help to conduct different web services (e.g. online shops), they help gather statistics about website’s users and traffic, the habits of website users, etc. With the help of cookies, we can therefore evaluate the effectiveness of the design of our website. You can also read the information commissioner's guidelines for the use of cookies on the recommended and permitted use of cookies on websites.

The cookies we use on our website do not collect your additional personal data that you have not agreed to and that could be used to identify you personally. Cookies cannot harm your computer, tablet or mobile phone. Cookies enable our websites to function and help us understand what information is most useful to visitors.


List of cookies on our websites


Name of the cookie Purpose Duration Cookie issuer
(npr. 1ec99606c0a3771daf1135504c26d7a8)

Storing the value of your session.

Ensures consistency of user experience across all pages within a single session.
Duration of one session. Acryform d.o.o.
cpnb_cookiesSettings  Enables memorization of user settings related to the selection of cookie settings  1 year Acryform d.o.o.
CookiesDeclined Information indicating that the user has disabled cookies.  6 month Acryform d.o.o.
CookiesDirective Information indicating that the user has enabled cookies.  1 year Acryform d.o.o.
_ga, _gat, _gid Cookies from the external provider Google Analytics for the purpose of statistical monitoring of the website. 2 years Acryform d.o.o.





By using the websites listed in the list of websites controlled by the controller, you agree that these websites set cookies on your computer or mobile device until cancellation or deletion, which you have the right to do. You also may manage them yourself in your browser.


Managing And Deleting Cookies


If you want to change the way cookies are used in your browser, including blocking or deleting them, you can do so by changing your browser settings accordingly. To manage cookies, web browsers allow you to accept or reject all cookies, to accept only a certain type of cookie, or to warn you that the site wants to save cookies. Cookies saved by the browser can also be easily deleted. If you change or delete the browser's cookie file, change or upgrade your browser or device, you may need to disable the cookies again. The procedure of managing and deleting cookies differs from browser to browser. In case of you need help, you can check the browser's help centre.


representative: ACRYFORM d.o.o.

35 Kladje nad Blanco, 8283 Blanca


17 October 2023


Kladje nad Blanco 35
SI – 8283 Blanca, Slovenia


+386 7 8164 600


VAT ID: SI55930948

Registration number: 3570398000


Avtorske pravice © 2024 Acryform d.o.o. - Vse pravice pridržane. Petka produkcija